name = "RKSL Attachments Pack"; author = "da12thMonkey, RKSL Studios"; overview = "RKSL Attachments Pack adds a selection of weapon attachments to Arma 3, utilising the game's weapon customisation feature.
The main aim of the pack is to reflect personal equipment available to members of the UK's Armed Forces and their weapon systems."; actionname = "Website"; action = ""; picture = "\RKSL_attachments_core\Pictures\RKSL_AP_Mural.paa"; logo = "\RKSL_attachments_core\Logos\RKSL_AP_Logo.paa"; logoOver = "\RKSL_attachments_core\Logos\RKSL_AP_LogoOver.paa"; logoSmall = "\RKSL_attachments_core\Logos\RKSL_AP_LogoSmall.paa"; dlcColor[] = { 0.96, 0.46, 0.015, 1 }; hideName = 0; hidePicture = 0; tooltip = "RKSL Attachments Pack"; tooltipOwned = "RKSL Attachments Pack";